Aphids of Iran

Version: 1.3.7      Release date: 2025.02.05

Mohsen Mehrparvar, Author        -         Graduate University of Advanced Technology, Kerman, Iran

Aphids are belonging to kingdom Animalia, phylum Arthropoda, superclass Hexapoda, class Insecta, subclass Pterygota, infraclass Neoptera, cohort Paraneoptera, order Hemiptera, suborder Sternorrhyncha, and infraorder Aphidomorpha.

Statistics for Aphids species of Iran: Families: 3,  Subfamilies: 13, Tribes: 21, Genera: 148, Species: 576, Subspecies: 29, Host plant species: 1134

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To cite this database, please use the following format: Mehrparvar, M. (Year) Aphids of Iran. Version X.X.X. [retrieval date: YYYY.MM.DD]. <http://aphidsofiran.aphidology.com>. For example: Mehrparvar, M. (2025) Aphids of Iran. Version 1.2.4. [retrieval date: 2025.08.07]. <http://aphidsofiran.aphidology.com>.

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